FastReport (R) Studio is a reporting solution with simplified integration facility focused on developers of application on various platforms. It comes with predefined templates covering most of the popular reports. Flexibility of this reporting solution is attributed to low configuration needs, faster execution speed and compact size. Low configuration enables the tool to be used on any system without worrying about memory and technical system details. Though low configuration is the requirement for installation, the reporting tool executes faster. Unlike other report tools the installation size is about 7 MB ensuring faster and easy installation process.
FastReport (R) Studio has a strong technical design that allows wide category of objects and tools to support and configure them to provide seamless integration of reports from multiple sources. It supports parameter input at runtime through dialog that can be designed through a comprehensive dialog designer. FastReport (R) Studio supports Macro language interpreters’ for parsing of unorthodox input to produce multidimensional reports. FastReport (R) Studio supports output on Dot matrix printers for faster printer output and lengthier report printing exercise tuned to the needs of the corporate reporting process.
It enables users to create and customize Sage reports, invoice and layouts.
Includes a full-range report designer and many examples of different reports.